mini doc - making off - process vale dos crustáceos - made by Lamparina

Direção e Edição - Gaberg ( @ga.ber.g ) - Direção de Fotografia e Color Grading - Ícaro Mendonça ( @icaroomendonca )
Som Direto e 2ª Câmera - Elvis Franklin ( @elvis_frankling ) Animação 2D - Jean Carvalho ( @jean_carvalho90 )
Finalização - Rodrigo Ansa ( @rodrigo_ansa ) Sound Design - Eduardo Dudz

the Mural
"Vale dos Crustáceos"
is a work created by
the "criadocão".
The painting involves the entire façade of the community association
of the set of residents of inacio barbosa in the city of Aracaju-SE - Brazil.
The project was carried out through the federal incentive law
Aldir Blanc and administered by the aracaju culture department (funcaju).
"Criadocão" was how we decided to call our partnership
(Heli natã, Marcos duar and Thiago neumann) for the project.